Whipped with a stick, forced to swallow a piece of paper and pinching at the ears- these are the experiences of most students during the dark ages of education. Lucky are we for because of the researches conducted, gone are the days when the classrooms are the commonplace of smothering discipline and corporal punishments. Indeed, through the years, education has never been the same. Nowadays, the law allows the teachers only to reprimand the students as a form of negative reinforcement whenever the students misbehave or do not meet the standards. Dictionary.com defines reprimand as to reproof or stern oral discipline to someone in a formal way. Since giving verbal scolding is easy to administer, teachers would then tend to reprimand the students to immediately manage the student’s misconduct and straighten their demeanor whenever the classroom becomes chaotic. However, what these teachers failed to consider are the lifelong and sometimes irreversible negative effects whenever they reprimand students in a wrong way.
Handling a wet clay
Human beings are born a “Tabula Rasa” or an empty slate. We learn as we go along and form our character through our experiences. Hence, young children are trained at grade school, being the foundation, to become responsible adults. In the same manner, college students, despite the higher level of maturity, are still in the process of molding. Although, college students are expected to think and act more logically, some instructors fail to recognize that some students are just as delicate as wet clay being shaped to become a clay pot. College students are in the stage that needs proper guidance to maintain a characteristic before it hardens and becomes permanent. At this level, even if the students are halfway to being baked at the furnace, one wrong move (ie. Reprimanding the wrong way and insulting the students) will still cause a dint. If mishandling persists, the student’s character will be defective, if not, break. In other words, college students are in the polishing and crucial stage wherein their foundation, values and passion are enhanced before they are released to the professional world.
What some instructors have taken for granted is the fact that college students are already young adults and that they can no longer be trained. As what they said, “You cannot teach old dogs new tricks”. However, those instructors neglected the fact that young adults can still be trained through proper conditioning and form a behavior through positive reinforcement.
Breaking the glass of confidence
Students shine proudly like a glass whenever they are praised or appreciated. Though too much pride destroys a person, but a little of it is important in building the person’s confidence and self worth. Some people’s pride and confidence, like diamonds, are just tough enough to resist breaking despite the scorn and nagging they receive. However, some are just so fragile that their self-perception easily breaks even with a blunt criticism. Hence, teachers are expected to consider the psychological wellbeing of their students so as not to cause depression and self-doubt among the students. Since verbally assaulting the students will only cause frustration, doing so will not maximize their learning potential but instead discourage them from having initiative and the sense of self-reliance.
Looking at the Mirror
According to the law, teachers have the professional responsibility of maintaining an environment that is conducive to learning. While some instructors are indeed concerned of the learning environment by correcting the student’s misdemeanor, they usually fail to realize that their way of disciplining the students is by itself promoting an ambiance that pushes the students away from their desire to become educated. In reprimanding the students by giving unsolicited comments and personal attacks, the instructors are displaying a negative image against themselves being impatient, incompetent and impassionate to their chosen profession. Furthermore, the instructor who insults his students by judging them only judges himself as guilty of being judgmental. Therefore, an instructor’s way of managing his class reflects his level of competence and professionalism.
As what an old adage says, “A mediocre teacher tells, a good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates but the great teacher inspires.” So, even if an instructor was able maintain an orderly class and conduct lessons smoothly by threatening and insulting the students, it does not necessarily mean that the instructor is fitted for his profession. Since being able to produce well-disciplined students through fear is not the parameter to prove the teacher’s superiority. Educating the students is not just about feeding them with information and forcing them to take it but it is more on teaching them the value of education and inculcating within them the yearning for knowledge.
Despite the Cracks
Instructors, no matter how punitive they handle their students, are just fulfilling their roles as the “second parents”. Like parenthood, administering discipline has no easy formula. Despite the behavioral theories that provide “rule of the thumb” strategies in handling student’s misconduct, these strategies are not absolute. There are also instances when the instructors have reached their limits and have exhausted all the appropriate means of implementing discipline and yet the students are just stubborn enough to resist. Hence, mutual understanding between the instructors and students cushions the impact of any unexpected response from each party. Nevertheless, teachers have to consider the individual sensitivity of each student by being tactful and assessing the possible interpretation of their words and manner. Whereas, on the other hand, it is also necessary for the students to realize that whenever the instructors’ patience breaks, like any fragmented piece of glass, they also have their rough and sharp edges. Instead of being discouraged, it would be beneficial if the students take the verbal reprimands as a challenge to improve. Like any responsible parent, some teachers feel that if they do not reprimand the students in front of the class it would mean that they do not care about the students at all; and that only those who care has the instinct to scold.
Preventing future breakages
Students nowadays have become more aware of their rights. By being oriented with the law, students are now more vigilant to those who abuse their authority and go beyond their limits. Therefore, in order for both sides to avoid violating and being violated, being aware of their limitations, authority and rights is the key. By being well aware of the university policies, students can then gain respect by being assertive without being aggressive; being understanding without being tolerant; and being vigilant without being oversensitive. In the same manner, Instructors can then practice their authority safely and effectively without jeopardizing their integrity and credibility by being conscious of their obligations and limitations toward their students. ***To be edited, Not published (on going)